Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dragon's Den

This Tuesday 22 July 6:30 - 9pm
Creating A Business Plan For Your Projects
Arts Theatre, just off Leicester Square, London

You have your script, you've found the perfect director, and have had initial conversations with cast and key crew.

Now you need the money.

Before you can 'do lunch' with that wealthy hedge fund manager, or dinner with your rich relatives, you need a Business Plan.

This Tuesday evening, in London, Raindance founder Elliot Grove takes you through the key points, PLUS the tricks and traps of writing a viable business plan.

Don't Miss Out Last Few Places
Creating A Business Plan
Tuesday 22 July 6:30 - 9pm
Arts Theatre, off Leicester Square, London Map
Registration fee:
£30 (15% Discount to Raindance members)

Learn More...
Contact Us To Register
phone: +44 (0) 207 287 3833
or Book Online Here
Can't Wait?
Can't Attend?

Free Article: UK EIS Tax Programme
Free Article: The 3 Golden Rules of Salesmanship

1 comment:

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