Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dov S S

Raindance presents
The 2 Day Film School
Making Independent Films - Profitably
Saturday/Sunday 5/6 July

I'm Dov S-S Simens, founder of the Hollywood Film Institute & America's leading film instructor.

I might sound a little presumptuous, but I state that from the fact that in the past decade I am credited with launching over 3,500 film careers (Baz Luhrman, Queen Latifah, Will Smith, Damon Wayans, Quentin Tarantino, etc) with feature films that have grossed over $7,000,000,000 (Yes - Billion) at the box office.

Whether you want to be a Writer, Producer, Director, Actor or Filmmaker I have condensed my 15 years of Line Producing, Script Developing, Sales & Financing experiences into an intensive weekend crash course that I promise will dispense more how-to filmmaking practical information than if you attended one of those 2-4 year theory laden film schools.

Here's how! I don't talk about film theory. I don't teach talent - I can't. But what I do teach is the hard core nuts-and-bolts of making your first independent feature film on budgets from $10,000 to $1,000,000 that will profit (key word profit) from the Theatrical, DVD, On-Demand, Cable, TV & Foreign markets.

You bring your talent. I'll give you the knowledge.

I am proudly returning to Raindance on Saturday/Sunday 5/6 July

Cost of the course is £245.00 + VAT. Call 0207 287 3833 or Book Online Here

Dov Simens teaching in Hong Kong ABOUT ME, DOV S-S SIMENS
I never went to an expensive film school. I graduated from Muhlenberg College (Allentown, PA, 1965, BA-Economics) and spent 3 years in the army (1st Lieutenant, Special Forces, '66 - '69). After Viet Nam, I owned a successful bookstore in Carmel, California.

In 1980, I sold the store, took the cash and went to Hollywood with an idea and a dream. I chased the deal, called agents, met studio heads, pitched development execs, hustled bankable stars and foreign buyers. I optioned books, true life stories and wrote scripts.

Finally, I put my money where my mouth is, wrote bank checks and made a 90 - minute 35mm feature film that won festival awards.

Have a look at my website: it even looks like a bookstore!

My website...

I started teaching filmmaking in 1984 at UCLA, then USC, then NYU (the top 3 film schools in North America) and it was at NYU in 1989 that a NYU film student told me: "Dov - you can teach more about filmmaking in 2-Days than I learned in film school."

Thus, The Hollywood Film Institute was born. The foundation of the school is the 2-Day Film School which dispenses all the info needed to launch a successful & profitable filmmaking careers in one weekend.

On Day-1 (Saturday) the course teaches how to Produce, Budget, Schedule, Direct, Shoot & Edit your first feature film. Day-2 (Sunday) has the course focused on Marketing, Financing, Dealmaking, Distributing & Selling that feature film for a profit.

Day-1 "Make It". Day-2 "Sell-It".

What Dov S-S Simen's 2 Day Film School
When Saturday/Sunday 5/6 July 9am - 6pm
Where University of Westminster near Baker St Station
How Much? £245.00 + VAT.
Call 0207 287 3833 or Book Online Here


The success ratio of the my course is superb. It is estimated at 3%. Taken out of context having only 3% of my students Produce or Direct a feature film could seem very low.

In context: if you take all the 4-year ($150,000-$250,000 tuition) film school graduates in North America over the past 5 years I do not believe that a single one of them has made a feature film that has been distributed in USA/Canada with at least 30 prints.

Take 3% of my 4,000 students/year and I have about 120 Feature Films accredited to my intensive 2-DAY FILM SCHOOL™ per annum. This is truly amazing and I look forward to seeing you in London (July 5/6) in hopes that you become one of the 120 debut feature filmmakers who take my class in 2008.

Here's a deal for you

Elliot and the great team at Raindance have this deal: call up 0207 287 3833 and register for the 2 DAY FILM SCHOOL, and get a £50 Gift Voucher that you can use towards ANY of their other great courses. Or, Book Online Here with PayPal.

When Saturday/Sunday 5/6 July 9am - 6pm
Where University of Westminster near Baker St Station
How Much? £245.00 + VAT.

Check out the other great courses at Raindance here
What I am, is exactly what you want, "a great film instructor", who is proud to give you the most amount of filmmaking information, for the least amount of money, in the shortest period of time."

I love coming to London and especially to Raindance. The people I meet, and the questions I am asked are easily the most challenging I get anywhere in the world.

I hope to hear from you soon, or see you again in London next month!


Dov Simens
email: info@raindance.co.uk
phone: 0207 287 3833
web: www.raindance.co.uk
The Raindance Guarantee

If you decide to attend and find that this course is overhyped, or unsuitable, or simply does not meet or exceed your expectations, let a member of the Raindance staff know by noon on the first day or by end of first night for a no-questions- asked refund.
Raindance Courses Work

Raindance alumni keep hitting the big time:
Alison Owen produced BRICK LANE
Ken Marshall produced LONDON TO BRIGHTON and THE COTTAGE
Mark Ezra produced WAKING NED
Charles Steel produced THE LAST KING OF SCOTLAND
Philippa Braithwaite produced SLIDING DOORS
Vadim Jean produced LEON THE PIG FARMER
Paul Brooks produced MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING
Jeremy Bolt produced THE LONG GOOD FRIDAY
Matthew Vaughn directed STARDUST
Julian Fellowes wrote GOSFORD PARK
Guy Ritchie wrote and directed LOCK, STOCK AND TWO SMOKING BARRELS
Christopher Nolan wrote & directed MEMENTO
Edgar Wright wrote & directed SHAUN OF THE DEAD and HOT FUZZ
Simon Hunter directed and hot THE MUTANT CHRONICLES

All took Raindance courses.

Check out Raindance courses

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